Home Health Care Consultants | A Visionary’s Prototype Units.

“Home Health Care Consultants” is the beginning of a healthcare series based on a prototype. This is my vision for a more comprehensive offer of services in the marketplace. It’s an example of merging ecosystems.

Are visions given only to the most educated, talented, or the wealthiest? No, vision comes to those who exist regardless of status. However, it takes courage to act despite your own or others’ attempts to make you feel unworthy.

Furthermore, it takes a visionary to turn an idea into an empire which serves humanity within an ecosystem of other visionaries. Additionally, I am an entrepreneur with a stage and microphone.

Updated September 29, 2023

(As a Premium Member with Wealthy Affiliate I earn a commission on qualifying referrals.)

This concept is from the viewpoint of a Certified Nursing Assistant working with the elderly for over 17 years. Furthermore, this initiative and creative platform, expertise, and voice is here to serve you.

Home Health Care Defined. | Medical and Non-Medical.

So, what is home health care? And, is there a difference between medical and non-medical?

Home health care generally refers to services medical professionals provide. On the other hand, home care is the more common term for non-medical services. Sometimes, individuals use the terms interchangeably.

However, the emphasis is on care given at home rather than in a facility such as hospital, nursing home, or assisted living. In any event, this ranges from basic to hospice care, short or long term.

Medical Doctors, Nurse Practitioners, Licensed Practical Nurses, Registered Nurses, therapists such as occupational and physical, and social workers are specialists in a medical setting.

Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs), Home Health Aides (HHAs), and non-certified aides or assistants are members in a non-medical capacity.

The non-medical group may work alongside a medical team carrying out various roles. And, some are supervised directly by a medical professional.

The most common scenario is working through an agency. However, private cases are an option whenever available. Caregivers are also family members taking on that responsibility.

An agency may be medical or non-medical depending on what services their licenses allow them to perform. In my view, the most comprehensive and maybe optimal package is to merge the two.

Both have been making tremendous strides in the healthcare industry caring for the elderly and disabled clients of all ages. In addition, services may extend to childcare.

Medical: Injections, wound care, prescribing medication, making medical diagnoses and recommendations.

Non-medical: Housekeeping, cooking, respite, companionship, assisting with bathing or showering.

Medical and non-medical caregivers take vital signs of their patients. And, caregivers who complete a certification course can perform CPR.

This article will not cover payment for services. Medicare and Medicaid, for example, cover some services. However, sometimes individuals have to pay out of pocket.


Who Are Consultants? | Key Players.

Consultant is an interchangeable term for any specialist choosing to use that title. It’s especially fitting if the specialist goes above and beyond what others generally offer. For example, valuable consultancy services.

Every member of a team has value and should be a key player at their particular level of productivity. Sadly, organizations consider some individuals and positions insignificant based on low salary or educational background.

However, in this proposed comprehensive package consultants range from the top professionals to “the least of these.” Hence, this makes up the healthcare ecosystem.

Here is what an ecosystem of the top 10 key players could look like. By the way, this in a random selection from a personal viewpoint.

  1. Holistic Nutritionist
  2. Holistic Medical Doctor
  3. HR Personnel/Scheduler
  4. Registered Nurse (RN) or Nurse Practitioner (NP)
  5. Financial Consultant
  6. Insurance Consultant
  7. Office Affairs Manager/Trainer
  8. Non-medical Home Care Scheduler
  9. Public Relations Officer (PRO)
  10. Legal Consultant

This is a demonstration of what a prototype home health care consultants ecosystem could represent.

See upcoming articles for an in depth description of each professional. The series will cover their significance and place in this critically essential industry.


More Collaboration in the Home Health Care Arena. | Fill the Gap.

Significant strides have been made in the healthcare industry in general. The home health care segment, in particular, has contributed immensely to the elderly population.

Additionally, the same categories of personnel work in facilities as well as in the home. One important service available in facilities but not necessarily by agencies is that of a nutritionist or dietitian.

Caregivers usually plan and prepare meals on a regular basis. However, there may not be nutritional guidelines or consultation from the agency.

Many clients are set in their ways and may not welcome guidance about proper nutritional needs. Yet, this service has the potential to bring awareness to those who may accept recommendations from a professional nutritionist.

Another area grossly undervalued is the overall wellbeing of caregivers, very valuable key players in home health care. They are hardworking, overworked, and generally underpaid.

Companies would benefit a lot more by offering recreational and other incentives as part of their employment package. Furthermore, this should not only be available to those at the top of the pay scale.

The impression is that there isn’t enough to go around to improve the livelihood of this group of workers. A reciprocal relationship among different organizations could prove beneficial.

Much more could be done with greater collaboration where entrepreneurs merge ecosystems.

A Comprehensive Package. | Affiliate Ecosystems.

Ecosystems tend to work well when individuals or organizations are interested in the other party’s wellbeing. Integrity and willingness to demonstrate genuine compassion are important characteristics.

A more comprehensive approach could prove to be the way forward. Take another look at the example from the list of professionals making up the unit above.

The world is changing rapidly and the next steps for businesses may come unexpectedly. So, be prepared if this is the direction your path is taking you.

Many elderly individuals are unable to perform basic or more complex activities of daily living (ADLs). As a result, they need quite a bit of help in various areas.

A one-stop shopping experience as part of an economic ecosystem is nothing new. Many industries have been operating this way for quite some time. Everyone can benefit in some way.

It is important to take the wellbeing of clients as well as team members of the organization into consideration. Each party is equally essential. How would you like others to treat you? That’s a matter of integrity and reciprocal expectations.


Viewpoint Wrap Up. | Taking it Up a Notch.

In this series of “Home Health Care Consultants” the focus is on home health care whether medical or non-medical. It is the prototype of an affiliate ecosystem at work in the marketplace.

This is only an example of the first tier of key players from a personal viewpoint. It will take many more players to make this collaboration work optimally.

A comprehensive package for clients and team members is attainable. And, this could be the way forward for many organizations. Some are already practicing this way in their businesses.

Make the wellbeing of all parties a priority thereby treating everyone with respect and dignity.

Here’s the Mission Statement for this prototype team of consultants:

“Home Health Care Consultants is committed to delivering exceptional care to your elderly loved ones in the comfort of their own homes by fostering strong relationships with key stakeholders and clients.

Our core values prioritize the well-being and professional growth of our dedicated essential partners, ensuring they achieve peak performance while upholding the highest standards of professionalism.

We believe that a strong partnership is built on mutual compatibility, respect, and dignity for all parties involved.”

I hope you found value in this article, “Home Health Care Consultants | A Visionary’s Prototype Units.”

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. I will be more than happy to assist you.


Wealthy Affiliate Premium Member: https://affiliateecosystems.com/wealthy-affiliate-in-review-leading-the-way-for-17-years/


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